

Quran Guidance of the Day

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Office Application

For all students, be sure to start week two you've mastered the Windows operating system and Ubuntu, how to access e-learning (reading material,lab modules to download, upload the results of preliminary work andpracticum) and office applications. This course does not teach, but requiresyou to master the things mentioned above.
The following materials shall be read, practiced and mastered:

1. Word 2007 part 1, part 2
2. Excel 2007
3. PowerPoint 2007

Making Google Adsense
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Generation Zero Mechanical calculating machine (1642-1945)

  • Prior to the 1500s, a typical European businessperson used an abacus for calculations and recorded the result of his ciphering in Roman numerals.
  • After the decimal numbering system finally replaced Roman numerals, a number of people invented devices to make decimal calculations even faster and more accurate.
  • Wilhelm Schickard(1592-1635) invented the first mechanical calculator (add and subtract 6 digits)..
  • BlaisePascal (1623-1662) developed a mechanical calculator called the pascalineto help his father with his tax work. Its basic design was still being used at the beginning of the twentieth century (add with carry and subtract)..
  • Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) invented a calculator that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide .
  • Although pascaline were used into the 20thcentury, new calculator designs began to emerge in the 19thcentury.
  • One of the most ambitious of these new designs was the Difference Engine by Charles Babage (1791-1871). Some people refer to Babage as “the father of computing.”
  • The Analytical Engine (AE) include many of the components associated with modern computers: an arithmetic processing unit to perform calculations, memory, and input and output device.
  • Ada, Countess of Lovelace and Daughter of poet Lord Byron suggested that Babage write a plan for how the machine would calculate numbers
  • This is regarded as the first computer program, and Ada is considered to be the first computer programmer.
  • It is also rumored that she suggested the use of the binary number system rather than decimal number system to store data.
  • Babage designed the AE to use a type of punched card for input and programming.
  • Using card to control the behavior of a machine did not originate with Babage, but with one of his friends, Joseph-Marie Jacquard.
  • Joseph-Marie Jacquard (1752-1834). In 1801, Jacquard invented a programmable weaving loom that could produce intricate pattern in cloth.
  • The most important of the late-nineteenth-century tabulating machines was the one invented by Herman Hollerith.
  • Herman Hollerith (1860-1929). Hollerith’s machine was used for encoding and compiling 1890 cencus data.
  • This cencus was completed in record time, thus boosting Hollerith’s finances and the reputation of his invention.
  • Hollerith later founded the company that would become IBM (International Business Machines).
  • His 80-column punched card, the Hollerith card, was a staple of automated data processing for 50 years

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  • The word computer is derived from the Latin meaning Computare count. In English is called to compute
  • The definition of computer is translated as a set of electronic tools that work together, can accept data (input), process data (process) and provide information (output) as well as coordinated under the control program stored in memory
  • Blissmer (1985): the computer is an electronic device capable of performing several tasks, which receives input, processes the input in accordance with the instructions, keep the commandments and the results of its processing, and provides output in the form of information.
  • Sanders (1985), the computer is an electronic system to manipulate data quickly and accurately as well as designed and organized to automatically receive and store input data, processes it, and produces an output based on the instructions that have been stored in memory.
  • Computer: an electronic device that can accept input, process input, provide information, using a program stored in computer memory, can store programs and processing results, and works automatically.
  • There are three important terms, namely the input (data), data processing, and information (output).
  • Processing the data using a computer known as electronic data processing (EDP) or electronic data processing (EDP).
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Typing & Ethic

You should improve your typing skill capability!! You will find a lot of advantages if you have mastered this basic skill. In case you do programming, this skill helps you to focus on your coding instead of your keyboard.
In the laboratory, download this small application (Typing Master) and run it to have good typing practices.

Computer Ethic
Information technology helps you to broaden your way of communicating. This new way of communication also need ethic to make all parties comfortable.
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Revolver Maps